Imaginez une application qui mêle histoire, patrimoine, tourisme et technologie digitale & 3D.
Mixez le tout et vous obtenez une application pour smartphone : KAIROS® Guide.

Les Destinations à découvrir


Normandy Tour

Relive the Normandy Landings: 6 June 1944, remembered as the longest day.
Relive the Normandy landings and the allies' strategic captures to the different beaches reserved for the allies.
Listen to the veterans and locals' experience of the events in the 1940s

Land of Auray

Between land and sea

The heritage of the Pays d'Auray: Discover the pays d'Auray through themed routes, from Antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century.
Digital reconstruction of past landmarks that have disappeared from the contemporary landscape.
Visualise the digital reconstruction of the aqueduct from the Antiquity era or the Auray Castle, residence of the Duke of Brittany in the Middle Ages.
Visit the sanctuary of Keranna (old name for the town of Sainte-Anne-d'Auray) in the 19th century or the circuit "living in 1900" showing you the old local trades and chapels.

Les Circuits Thématiques

Circuits Pays d'Auray

Land of Auray

Sanctuaries and chapels


Live in 1900

Land of Auray

Ancient civilizations

Land of Auray

Chouanerie and Royalty


Où trouver les Mini lunettes VR ?

L’Expérience de l’immersion en Réalité Virtuelle depuis un smartphone.
Les VR Mini se clipsent directement sur le téléphone pour profiter de l’effet relief depuis une simulation 3D VR ou sur les outils 3D stéréoscopiques.
Mémorial Pegasus
1 Avenue du Major Howard
14860 Ranville
Librairie du Sanctuaire
7 Rue de Vannes
56400 Saint-Anne d’Auray
Cinéma Ti-Hanok
3 Place de l’Europe
56400 Auray

The Gulf of Morbihan

The Breton interior sea

In near future
The local landscape, 7000 years ago...
Visualise the landscape of the Gulf of Morbihan, 7000 years ago, when the waters used to give way to a vast valley made of hills, forests and streams.
The Pays de Vannes (the Land of Vannes, Brittany, France)
Also discover the rich heritage of the Pays de Vannes via different theme...
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